HTU uses a standard 4-point grading system, like that used in most other postsecondary institutions in the US. All courses are graded using this scale. A student’s Grade Point Average (GPA) is the average of all grades earned, based on the scale below. Certain courses are graded on a Pass/Fail basis (e.g. Institutional Requirement courses); these courses are not awarded academic credit.
Grading Scale
Grade points are determined on the basis of hours attempted according to the following scale:
A (94-100) 4.0
A- (90-93) 3.7
B+ (87-89) 3.3
B (84-86) 3.0
B- (80-83) 2.7
C+ (77-79) 2.3
C (74-76) 2.0
C- (70-73) 1.7
D+ (67-69) 1.3
D (64-66) 1.0
D- (60-63) 0.7
F Less than 60 0
Academic Assessment System
Grade Symbols
A – work of excellent quality
B – work of commendable quality
C – work of acceptable quality
D – work of minimal but passing quality
F – failure to do minimal passing work; no credit given
Noncredit Grade Symbols
AU – Audit
I – Incomplete
NC – No Credit
TR – Transfer
WD – Withdrawn
P – Pass
In order to receive credit for a failed course, the student must repeat the course if it is required for their program of study, but may either repeat it or take different elective course if the failed course is not required.
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