No student is eligible to register for classes, or receive an official document, such as a diploma or transcript, until all outstanding balances with Hudson Taylor University are current or paid in full. In addition, any student who has an unresolved financial balance will not be recommended for placement until the matter has been resolved.
A nonrefundable application fee is charged to students during each semester of attendance; and a Student Services fee is charged each semester to cover the student’s library usage fee, Student Government Association fee, online and network access, campus use fee, and other administrative costs. An additional technology fee of $100 is assessed each semester.
Students are required to pay their tuition and fees in full before they can register for classes. If they fail to make their payment on time, a late fee will be assessed.
The following payment options are currently available
The following tuition and fee scale is in effect. Please note that all tuition and fee amounts are subject to change without notice. The figures below are accurate as of this writing, but students should contact HTU Administration for the most up-to- date financial information. Financial counseling is available upon request.
BABS Degree Program $200.00 per credit hour
Application fee (one-time; non-refundable) $100.00
Technology fee $200.00 per semester
Graduation fee (one-time) $300.00
Registration fee $100.00 per semester
Late Registration fee $200.00
Returned Check fee $35.00
*Official Transcript fee $20.00
Other Documents $5.00 per item
Student ID Replacement fee $10.00
* To obtain a transcript, please email the registrar’s office The fee is $20. HTU accepts cash or check.
International Students Only
SEVIS I-20 Processing Fee $200 per I-20
Transfer-out Application and Processing Fee $500
I-20 Change of Status Fee $1000
SEVIS I-20 Reissuing Fee $50 per I-20
OPT Fee $500 I-20 Extension Fee $200 per I-20
International Student Fee $600
Reinstatement Processing Fee $500
USCIS Request for Evidence Response Fee Level 1: $200
Level 2: $400
Level 3: $800
HTU’s refund policy is in compliance with the Amendments to Education Law Section 5002, passed in July 1990 and with the current Minimum Standards and Criteria set by GNPEC.
Refunds for Withdrawal from ALL Classes
If a student withdraws from all classes after the first day of the semester, he/she is entitled to a partial tuition refund depending on the percentage of the semester that has passed since the
first day of the semester (see “Tuition Refund Schedule,” below).
Refund Approval Contingencies
Students who withdraw before the beginning of a semester or on the first day of the semester will receive a refund of all monies paid, with the exception of the non-refundable application fee. After the first day of a semester, students are liable for
To be eligible for a refund, written notification of withdrawal must be submitted to the Office of Business Affairs.
In addition to the stated policy herein, Hudson Taylor University will review a student’s extenuating circumstances (e.g., injury, prolonged illness, death, or other circumstances which prohibit completion of the semester or program of study), and, at its sole discretion, may grant a tuition refund beyond the amount prescribed in this section. Please note that even students that are dismissed for academic or conduct violations are still subject to the refund policy.
Tuition Refund Schedule
The amount of a tuition refund is determined on a pro-rata basis up to 50% completion of the semester days to the student’s withdrawal date or the last date of attendance by the student, whichever is later. If a student withdraws after completing 50% of the semester, no Tuition Refund shall be given. Refunds will be returned to students within 30 days of withdrawal.
Hudson Taylor University encourages and grants scholarships to students based upon their academic records, attendance records, service to the community, and commitment to the welfare of fellow students and Hudson Taylor community. Recipients of scholarships are selected either by a student’s application, or recommendation by the faculty or administration.
The Scholarship Committee is comprised of the President, Director of Academic Affairs, Director of Admissions and Director of Student Affairs. The decision to grant a scholarship is made by consensus or unanimous approval of all members of the Committee.
The Committee considers four factors in making a scholarship award decision:
HTU does not currently have any private endowments that fund scholarships. HTU does not offer hardship- or need-based scholarships. Scholarships are not awarded as cash, but as credit toward tuition. Students may apply for these scholarships in the Office of the Registrar. Violation of the Attendance policy and/ or a negative change in Academic standing such as being placed on Warning or Probation status will result in the cancellation of a scholarship. Currently, there are two scholarships available to those who meet the criteria:
The recipient must be a full-time student with at least two semesters of academic record at HTU. The student’s overall GPA must be at least 3.85 out of 4.0. A recommendation letter from a faculty member is required. The selection and granting of the scholarship is made per year and the recipients are awarded $1,000.00 tuition credit per an academic year to full coverage of all costs of education while attending Hudson Taylor University.
The recipient of the President's Scholarship must exhibit extraordinary commitment to leadership in his or her respective community and must demonstrate selfless dedication to the needs of the HTU community, and to society, nation, and world. The application for this Scholarship must be accompanied by a personal essay and recommendation letter from a member of HTU faculty or administration. The selection and granting of the Scholarship is made by the Committee with the final determination of the amount of the grant by the President. It can range from a $1,000.00 tuition credit per an academic year to full coverage of all costs of education while attending Hudson Taylor University.
Financial Counseling
While HTU does not participate in any federal or state financial aid program, the administration recognizes that students may have questions or concerns regarding their finances and ability to fund their education. HTU therefore maintains a policy of informal financial counseling, and will help students insofar as possible with making financial decisions. Students may contact the Dean of Students for more information.
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